A few weeks ago, Tradoctas Managing Partner Lía Díaz was interviewed by Florencia Enghel. Florencia is an Argentine researcher who specializes in communication for social change. She has a Ph.D. in Media and Communication (Karlstad University) and a Master's degree in Communication for Development (Malmö University) and she works at Jönköping University in Sweden. Her current research delves into women’s citizen engagement and the media we use to develop networks.
According to the project's leaders, the purpose of this research is to study the everyday communicative practices of Argentine women mobilized for gender justice in the context of digital citizenship. Which are those everyday communicative practices? How do they play out in everyday life during the times when collective mobilization is not taking place? How do they contribute to the democratic resolution of the claims raised? Which obstacles do they face?
Argentine women constitute 51% of the country’s population but are disproportionally affected by poverty, discrimination and violence. Since 2015, they have asserted their demands in the streets and in social media, among other spaces, with ever-growing persistence and visibility. Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated gender inequality and prevented all mass demonstrations.
This research, financed by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for the period 2020-2023, focuses on the Argentinian case from a qualitative perspective. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding the micro-technopolitics of civic participation aimed at solving gender inequality among other dysfunctional or broken elements of democracy.
The project’s objectives are to understand everyday communicative practices of Argentine women mobilized for social justice in the context of the macro-tendencies affecting the country; to identify the practical and cultural significance of the diverse communicative assemblages engaged individually and interpersonally by women in daily life; and to inform the technopolitical capacity of Argentine women to trigger listening, i.e. the actual resolution of their claims, from public authorities, mainstream digital and news media corporations and other relevant social actors.
We want to thank Florencia for such a delightful interview and for showing us that so many people are reflecting on how we make strategic use of our time even when we are not able to do so ourselves.
Find more information on this project here: https://empower.net.ar/