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Reflections after the UN Women workshop on inclusive communication, by Lía Díaz

On May 11 in the morning, I took part in the inclusive communication workshop held by UN Women Argentina. It was taught by Elisabet Golerons, with the participation of Verónica Baracat and Verónica González.

On the occasion of the launch of the Argentine chapter of the Unstereotype Alliance—a global alliance committed to eradicating harmful stereotypes in all media and advertising content—UN Women Argentina offered a series of workshops on the topic to businesses working with the WEPs and, luckily, attendance has been expanded lately to allow participants from the public and private sectors as well as the general public.

I was surprised by so many aspects of the talk: the mention of Brigitte Vassallo's work and position on ideas and how they are expressed regarding the dynamism of language; the strategies proposed to respond to the main opposing arguments to inclusive communication; the public's reaction to Verónica González's powerful intervention and advice because, yes, accessible thinking and the inclusion of the whole community is not as expensive as you would think. 80% of disabled people don't have a job and inclusive communication is as urgently needed as companies actually making appropriate adaptations. Additionally, we learned about different Spotlight initiatives.

What impacted me the most was this campaign I'm sharing here, which I hadn't seen before. It's titled "Contemos los cuidados" and it's a five-minute-long video. It really hit me, "seeing" myself in it: I, too, take many of the steps that these people were taking, every day, and as one of the participants says, she didn't realize how many things she did until she looked around and saw the others. It's so hard, having to expend that much effort to realize and recognize all the care work that you yourself and others in your community do. This needs to change and it's amazing how these campaigns manage to send the message.

Therefore, communicating in an inclusive manner is part of Tradoctas' daily work. We usually avoid the term "inclusion" when discussing gender, but we do embrace it in a broader, more general sense and also specifically regarding the disabled community.

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