Translating (and interpreting) to build a safer world
A few weeks ago, a People's Tribunal took place promoted by the #ASaferWorldForTheTruth initiative. Tradoctas was part of it, providing interpreting services to Spanish.
A Safer World for the Truth is a collaboration between the Committee to Protect Journalists, Free Press Unlimited, and Reporters Without Borders (RSF), to investigate, document and pursue justice for journalists murdered for doing their job.
Thank you for trusting us for such an important project!
Do you know Verónica Gómez, the new judge who will be replacing Raúl Zaffaroni in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights?
According to the newspaper Página 12, Gómez is a lawyer and translator, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, and she completed her postgraduate studies at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. She has worked as a national and international public official on human rights issues for over 25 years.
She is the current President of the Global Campus of Human Rights, an association which connects one hundred universities. Their work has been recognized by the European Parliament as an example for the world regarding education on human rights and academic freedom.
Additionally, she is the Director of Education at the International Center for Political Studies (CIEP, for its initials in Spanish) of the National University of San Martín (UNSaM), where she designs and directs special programmes for the exchange of good practices among States in the region and she promotes and participates in digital offers for officials working at human rights national institutions, the European Union and the general public.
For the right to live free of sexual violence
Nadia Murad Basee Taha is an Iraqi human rights activist. In September 2016, she was appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking.
Her activism was born from her life experiences: in August 2014, she was kidnapped and held hostage by the Islamic State. After three months in captivity, she managed to escape and return to her hometown. She has published an autobiography titled "The Last Girl."
In 2018, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize alongside Denis Mukwege, for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.